This is a great place to get Game Shark programs.
This is the Game Shark web site and it has a very good discussion board.
This place is a realy good site for game information.
This is a good Rock site.
This site is a grate for codes and I also fetchers my Final Fantasy VII Ultimate Game Shark Code List.
Need to learn how to hack? Then get a tone of info on hacking Game Shark codes.
This is a site made by a guy who has hacked some grate codes and put them on his sight. Some of the code in the FF7 Sephiroth's Shack code list came from his site.
This is a GS hacking page with promise.
This is anouther freelance hacke who makes his own codes.
This is a grate site made by some old school hackers that has Game Shark information, Dex Drive saves and much more. Also you will see me Sephiroth 666 there as a message board moderator